(November 2011)
We knew that 2011 was going to be filled with challenges, and we were right! Proposals to change the programs low-income older adults rely upon are coming from all directions. Many of these proposals represent threats, others provide opportunities.
With support from some of America’s leading foundations and hundreds of donors, NSCLC is able to work on behalf of those who often have no voice, using the administrative and judicial arenas to fight threats or find ways to improve programs like Medicare and Medicaid.
In the midst of so much change, NSCLC has also kept the aging and legal services networks up to speed and equipped with the tools they need to assist their clients. As you can see below, our accomplishments this past year reflect our unflagging devotion to protecting the rights of the elderly poor.
Earlier this year, we received recognition as one of the country’s most effective aging organizations from Guide Star’s Philanthropedia project. NSCLC is one of only 13 national aging organizations recognized for their outstanding work by experts in the field.
The needs of our constituents are great – and they don’t have a more effective champion than NSCLC. I hope you’ll continue standing with us; your generosity and support are crucial to our work. On behalf of the staff and board of NSCLC, have a wonderful holiday season and a great New Year.
P.S. I hope you’ll help NSCLC with a generous year-end gift. You can donate online by visiting the Support Us section of our new Web site.