Ms. Bram is Associate Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at the University of Florida Foundation where she formerly served as General Counsel and Assistant to the Vice President. While at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, she was Associate University Counsel and Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Development and University Relations. Previously, she was in private practice. She is a cum laude graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Law. Ms. Bram spearheaded the effort to construct the university-affiliated CCRC, Oak Hammock at the University of Florida.
In The News
NSCLC Executive Director Kevin Prindiville calls on Congress in his latest Huffington Post blog to act to update the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program to help low-income seniors like Dollie.
NSCLC Directing Attorney Eric Carlson is quoted in a Nov. 19, 2014 article in Governing concerning Medicaid reimbursement for care outside nursing homes.
Dollie, 73, lives solely on income from Supplemental Social Security for all of her living expenses. But the program needs an update. Watch Dollie’s story and then help NSCLC restore this important poverty program.
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