Sen. Fred Harris is professor emeritus of political science at the University of New Mexico, where he still directs the UNM Fred Harris Congressional Internship Program. He was twice elected to the U.S Senate from Oklahoma (1964-1973) and was chair of the Democratic National Committee (1969-70). A champion for Native American rights and those of working Americans, Sen. Harris has produced eighteen books on politics, government and issues, including “Locked in the Poorhouse: Cities, Race and Poverty in the U.S.”, as well as three novels. Known in the Senate for his ability to understand and work with opposing factions, he focused on improving the welfare system and increasing job opportunities for poor and unskilled workers. He holds a BA degree and a JD degree “with distinction,” both from the University of Oklahoma.
In The News
NSCLC Executive Director Kevin Prindiville calls on Congress in his latest Huffington Post blog to act to update the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program to help low-income seniors like Dollie.
NSCLC Directing Attorney Eric Carlson is quoted in a Nov. 19, 2014 article in Governing concerning Medicaid reimbursement for care outside nursing homes.
Dollie, 73, lives solely on income from Supplemental Social Security for all of her living expenses. But the program needs an update. Watch Dollie’s story and then help NSCLC restore this important poverty program.
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