Gene Coffey has been an attorney in NSCLC’s DC office since 2002. He specializes in Medicaid’s coverage for long-term care services and also serves as the project director for NSCLC’s National Legal Resource Center grant from the U.S. Administration on Aging. He has written and lectured extensively on Medicaid, and also has litigated on behalf of Medicaid beneficiaries in several different states. Most recently, he has focused on the “rebalancing” of the nation’s delivery of long-term care. His recent articles and papers on this topic include: Narrowing Medicaid’s LTC Coverage? The Implications of the DRA’s HCBS Benefit,” 9 Marquette Elder’s Advisor 131 (2007); Shaping the Future of Long-Term Care: Aging and Disability Resource Centers and the Role of Title IIIB Attorneys, 42 Clearinghouse Review 274 (Sept.-Oct. 2008); Money Follows the Person 101; and The Administration on Aging’s Nursing Home Diversion Program. Gene has been cited in, among others, U.S. News & World Report, The Wall Street Journal, and Business Week. He is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) and received a NAELA President’s Recognition Award in 2006 for his work on the organization’s Medicaid Strategies Task Force. Prior to joining NSCLC, Gene was a staff attorney at a Virginia legal aid program from 1997 to 2002. He graduated from Manhattan College and Vermont Law School, and is admitted to practice in Virginia and Washington, D.C.
In The News
NSCLC Executive Director Kevin Prindiville calls on Congress in his latest Huffington Post blog to act to update the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program to help low-income seniors like Dollie.
NSCLC Directing Attorney Eric Carlson is quoted in a Nov. 19, 2014 article in Governing concerning Medicaid reimbursement for care outside nursing homes.
Dollie, 73, lives solely on income from Supplemental Social Security for all of her living expenses. But the program needs an update. Watch Dollie’s story and then help NSCLC restore this important poverty program.
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