For over four decades, Paul Nathanson has been a groundbreaking leader in the field of aging advocacy. A past president of the American Society on Aging and a founder of the American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging, he has observed numerous changes in the needs of seniors, particularly low-income seniors, and has focused his recent work on the unique impact federal policies have on low-income seniors, particularly women of color. Paul was the founding Executive Director of the National Senior Citizens Law Center (NSCLC) from 1972-1980, and has returned to lead NSCLC since 2008. In between, he was the director of the University of New Mexico (UNM) Institute of Public Law, and a member of the UNM law school faculty; he is now an emeritus professor. Paul has also served as National Secretary of the Gray Panthers and is a past Chair of the Board of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (NCPSSM); he is currently on the NCPSSM Board. Paul has been chair of the New Mexico Association of Geriatric Education (NMAGE) and on the Board of the New Mexico Legal Aid Society and KNME, New Mexico’s public television station. Since 1972, Paul has received and administered several million dollars in grants and awards primarily in the field of legal services for the elderly. Paul has also been involved in the field of social marketing and has won numerous awards for his work on video production as a means of organizing, including regional Emmys. Paul is a graduate of Duke University (JD) and the University of Chicago (MCompLaw).
In The News
NSCLC Executive Director Kevin Prindiville calls on Congress in his latest Huffington Post blog to act to update the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program to help low-income seniors like Dollie.
NSCLC Directing Attorney Eric Carlson is quoted in a Nov. 19, 2014 article in Governing concerning Medicaid reimbursement for care outside nursing homes.
Dollie, 73, lives solely on income from Supplemental Social Security for all of her living expenses. But the program needs an update. Watch Dollie’s story and then help NSCLC restore this important poverty program.
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