ASA Webinar – Consumer Protections for Dual Eligibles: A Primer for Advocates

(April 26, 2012)

Find out how states are proposing to combine the delivery of health care services to those who are dually eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. As states propose plans for integrating and coordinating care for nine million beneficiaries, advocates must be vigilant to ensure that consumer protection is at the forefront of those plans.

Participants in this web seminar will:

  • Understand the current state of play for federal/state initiatives to integrate care and funding streams for Medicare and Medicaid services.
  •  Find out about the biggest consumer protection challenges that have emerged in designing the new systems.
  •  Learn about opportunities to help shape the process.


Kevin Prindiville, Deputy Director of the National Senior Citizens Law Center, works primarily on issues impacting dual eligibles and is currently leading NSCLC’s project to employ strategic litigation and administrative advocacy to preserve low income older adults’ access to health care.

Georgia Burke is Directing Attorney of  the Oakland, California Office of the National Senior Citizens Law Center, where she works primarily on issues affecting health coverage for dual eligibles, and health care access for limited-English proficient beneficiaries


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