For Consumers

NSCLC provides education and counseling to advocates who help poor seniors, but does not  provide legal advice or counsel to individual consumers.

In this section of the Web site, however, you can find other non-profit legal organizations or government agencies that can help.

20 Common Nursing Home Problems We do offer 20 Common Nursing Home Problems and How to Solve Them authored by NSCLC Directing Attorney Eric Carlson who is a recognized expert on the law in relation to nursing homes and long term care in general.

And, we offer free guides in English and Spanish for those who need to understand the 2009 Martinez v Astrue settlement which allows people who lost Social Security or Supplemental Security Income benefits because they were classified by the government as fugitive felons to get them back.


NSCLC is not responsible for the contents, information or services which may appear on any off-site pages, websites or links referenced on this Web site. External links are provided for convenience only and their presence does not imply any kind of endorsement by NSCLC of those pages or links, or any endorsement of the contents or material contained in them.

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