Appeals Process

The non-disability appeals process is broken in both Social Security and SSI with inexcusable delays that make life difficult for recipients who rely on the programs for their income security. NSCLC is working with SSA and with local advocates to identify problems and recommend solutions.

  • ISSUE BRIEF: SSA’s Failure to Process SSI Appeals Requests
    January 2014 -- An  issue brief from the National Senior Citizens Law Center says that the Social Security Administration needs a uniform system in place to input and track appeals by Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients and to ensure that al...

  • SSI Non-Disability Appeals: What Isn’t Working
    (June 12, 2013 Webinar) Over 40 years ago, the Supreme Court ruled in Goldberg v. Kelly that people who faced suspension or benefit reductions  were entitled to an evidentiary hearing with significant due process protections. Sadly, the Supplemental ...

  • Commissioner’s Letter on SSA Appeals Changes
    The Social Security Commissioner has announced that he will delay issuance of final regulations on the provision requiring that all evidence be submitted at least five business days in advance of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) hearing and the compan...

  • NSCLC’s Comments on Proposed SSA Appeals Changes
    Read NSCLC's comments on the proposed rule changes.