(December 2010)
A widely held misperception by many older Americans is that the health reform law may help others get protection, but it doesn’t help them.
No doubt, you will hear or see those misperceptions exploited by the law’s opponents in Congress in the coming weeks and months as they seek repeal. At the same time, over the next two years, state challenges that seek to find the law unconstitutional will likely make their way through the appeals process to the Supreme Court.
NSCLC continues to fight to ensure that the law will stand. Our Federal Rights Project is front and center in the battle to preserve health reform and the benefits it does or will provide to vulnerable older adults.
With the support of our funders, much of NSCLC’s advocacy in the coming year will be focused on ensuring effective implementation of the new law, especially in areas where low-income older adults are affected.
The results we seek will only come through active collaboration with policymakers on both the federal and state level and with support from local advocates and those in the aging network who also care about ensuring better health care for the low income older adult. We look forward to working with you to ensure that the promise of health care reform is fulfilled.