Dual Eligibles

NSCLC champions consumer protection for those who have both Medicare and Medicaid (dual eligibles) as several states finalize and implement demonstration plans to move many duals eligible individuals into private managed care plans.

Dual eligibles as a group have higher health needs and lower incomes than other Medicare beneficiaries. They are also more likely to need long term services and supports. Historically, there has been a lack of coordinated care for dual eligibles and the health reform law encouraged state demonstrations to address the problem.

A separate NSCLC website provides aging and disability advocates the information and tools they need to ensure that models for delivering health and long term services and supports to dual eligibles include strong consumer protections. The site houses NSCLC reports, summaries, and comments on state proposals and plans as well as state profiles and federal guidance.

Recent NSCLC activity is highlighted below. Also, NSCLC is educating California advocates in 2013 on that state’s Memorandum of Understanding with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Check Events often for related webinars throughout the year.