Budget pressures are forcing many governors and legislators to find ways to trim their Medicaid expenses. Through tightening eligibility or cutting benefits, states seek to lower their costs. Often, these changes are illegal. NSCLC seeks to protect Medicaid services (especially those which are home and community based) and the millions of low-income older adults and persons with disabilities who depend on them, through administrative advocacy and litigation.
For more Medicaid related information visit our Long-Term Services & Supports page.
- CMS Seeks Comments on Proposed Rule to Support Equal Rights for Same Sex Spouses in Medicare and Medicaid Facilities
(12/17/2014) The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released proposed regulations as part of CMS’ implementation of the Supreme Court decision in United States v. Windsor, 570 U.S. 12, 133 S. Ct. 2675 (2013). Comments on th...
- New Issue Brief on Appeals in the Dual Demonstrations
(12/05/2014) Under the Affordable Care Act, a number of states are participating in financial alignment demonstrations that combine the delivery of Medicare and Medicaid services for dual eligible beneficiaries. Even though financial alignment demons...
- WEBINAR: Emerging Issues and Consumer Rights in Providing Medicaid LTSS through Managed Care
Free Webinar
When: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2-3 PM EDT
This webinar examined the critically important issue of consumer rights in the 28 states that have moved to Medicaid managed long-term services and supports (LTSS) systems. Additionally, it...
- WEBINAR: Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports – Appeals 101
Free Webinar
When: Wednesday, November 5, 2014, 2-3 PM EDT
Since 2009, the number of states delivering Medicaid long-term services and supports (LTSS) through managed care has increased more than four-fold, so that presently, 28 states either operate...
- WEBINAR: Community-Based Settings and the New Medicaid HCBS Standards: Views from the States, 6 Months In
Free Webinar
When: Tuesday, September 9, 2014 2-3 PM EDT
On March 15, 2014, the new federal home and community-based services (HCBS) rule went into effect, and the countdown clock for states to craft a transition plan began running. Six months la...
- Health Network Alert – Protecting Medi-Cal Beneficiaries from Balance Billing: Resources for Advocates
(08/08/2014) Advocates continue to report attempts by providers, particularly physicians, to ”balance bill” dual eligible beneficiaries (those who qualify for both Medicare and Medi-Cal) for charges not covered by Medicare or Medi-Cal.
- State Transition Plans for New Medicaid HCBS Regulations: Four Tips for Consumer Advocates
In this July tool for consumers, NSCLC shares four tips regarding state transition plans for new Medicaid HCBS regulations. States now are beginning to release their transition plans to bring their Medicaid HCBS systems into compliance with the n...
- CMS Releases More Windsor Guidance on Medicaid
July 2014 -- One-year after the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in United States v. Windsor, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) continues to release guidance on same-sex marriages and Medicare and Medicaid. CMS recently issued a l...
- ISSUE BRIEF: Estate Recovery Under Medi-Cal
May 2014-- A new issue brief authored by the National Senior Citizens Law Center describes Medi-Cal estate recovery and clarifies who could be subject to it and under what circumstances.
The state's Medi-Cal estate recovery program has received rene...
- WEBINAR: Medicare & Medicaid Post-DOMA: Changes for Same Gender Couples?
Free Webinar Series
A year after the Supreme Court decision in United States v Windsor, federal agencies have been issuing rules that affect same sex couples regarding programs like Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, Medicare, and Medicaid...