Help Protect America’s Safety Net Programs

(March 2011)

The current majority in the House of Representatives is looking to make draconian cuts in the programs that support America’s safety net, including those that make life bearable for millions of low income older adults.

The new freshman class is not afraid of taking on and perhaps even making cuts to Social Security; they have no fear of the so-called third rail of politics. They see any entitlement program as fair game.

As you can see from the work NSCLC has done just in the past month, there are many problems facing the elderly poor that need attention even as fractious budget battles continue. From issues related to Medicaid assisted living to concerns about the preemption of federal law, we are shining the light on needed fixes, but far more needs to be done in order to tackle these problems.

For the first time ever, NSCLC has published an annual report. In its pages, you can easily see that our organization is a leader in protecting the rights of low income older adults . When you receive your copy of the report, please consider donating to NSCLC if you are able.  Your personal gift is needed more than ever.

Download the annual report.


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