Massachusetts Three-Way Contract: A Summary of Beneficiary Protections

On July 18, 2013, Massachusetts became the first state to sign a three-way contract for its dual eligible demonstration project. The Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services published the three-way contract signed with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the three managed care plans participating in that state’s dual eligible demonstration.

NSCLC has prepared a summary link of consumer protections in the Massachusetts contract, including information on:

  • Enrollment
  • Care Team and Care Coordinator
  • Assessments
  • LTSS and Supplemental Services
  • Care Continuity
  • Appeals

The Massachusetts three-way contract is useful as a starting point for understanding the general structure three-way contracts and for thinking about how to address consumer protections in three-way contracts that are being negotiated in other demonstration states.

The summary of the three-way contract and all state MOUs are available on NSCLC’s dual eligible demonstration website, at

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