Older Posts

NSCLC in the News

California Healthline (CAHigher Primary Care Rate Welcome News for California (11-30-2012) Kevin Prindiville says that the CMS announcement that it will pay medi-Cal primary care physicians at the same rate as Medicare in 2013 and 2014 would be a “big deal for dual eligibles.”

Sun-Sentinel.com (FL)  Services Eager to Show Seniors the Way to a Home (11-18-12) Eric Carlson notes that the practice of placement services using commissions can make it unclear who an advisor is working for.

PatriotLedger.com (MA) SSI Program for Poor Needs Updating. (10-30-12)  The National Senior Citizens Law Center is hailing the 40th anniversary of the Supplemental Security Income Program (also see Huffington Post blog by Donna Meltzer)

MPN News (NY) Senior Healthcare: The $20,000 Question (9-30-2012) In another article about observation status concerning people in the Finger Lakes region , the reporter shares stories of those patients who have been left “on the hook with large hospital bills.”

Hornell Evening News (NY) Medicare Squeeze: Learn to Self Advocate (9-24-2012) Article mentions NSCLC/Center for Medicare Advocacy lawsuit concerning observation status and urges patients to advocate themselves.

California Healthline (9-12-2012) Promise, Peril of Duals Program. “This is really a critical moment in time for dual-eligibles and represents an amazing time to improve care for duals,” said NSCLC’s Kevin Prindiville. “But it’s also a time to be very careful and cautious about how we proceed to move forward.”

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (8/26/2012)  Elder Law: Observation Status Due for a Change The Center for Medicare Advocacy and NSCLC filed a federal lawsuit in November  2011 to end this method of coverage.

CNN Money Health Insurers See Gains in Serving Poor and Elderly (8/22/2012) “There’s a perception that this is going to be easy for the large insurers. That they’re just going to have to cut costs,” said NSCLC’s Kevin Prindiville. “But these people need a lot of services. They’re sick and have chronic conditions. It’s not a matter of just getting them to their primary care doctor. They have real needs.”

Smart Money 10 Things Assisted Living Won’t Tell You (8-14-2012) In an article sharing consumer tips, NSCLC’s Eric Carlson says that though most facilities are required to keep at least one person on site overnight, in some cases that person may not be required to be awake.

Money  This Could Hurt (August 2012) The consequences of resorting to observation [status] more often have hospitals, doctors and patient advocates sound alarm bells…Last November, the Center of Medicare Advocacy and the National Senior Citizens Law Center filed a lawsuit agains the Department of Health and Human Services on behalf of seniors challenging its use. (Recent Money magazine articles can only be viewed on the web by subscribers)

Kiplinger’s Personal Retirement Report A Nursing Home Stay Can be Temporary  (June 2012) Many residents are simply told to leave when their Medicare reimbursment ends, but these moves are often improper, says Eric Carlson, directing attorney at the NSCLC. (Recent Kiplinger’s magazine articles can only be viewed on the web by subscribers)

Forbes.com Three Critical Things Left Out of Health Care Reform Debate(7/5/2012) The debate totally misses other important features of the ACA that directly affect elders.

ElderLawAnswers.com  Supreme Court Ruling: Big Victory for Elderly, Less So for Near Elderly(7/2/2012) After the Court ruled, the National Senior Citizens Law Center produced a very helpful summary of the provisions affecting those over age 65.

The Inquisitr Medicare to See Minimal Effect from Ruling (7/1/2012) “Several Medicare initiatives aimed at supporting and keeping elderly and  disabled people in their homes rather than nursing homes were preserved were  preserved.

The New York Times  What the Health Care Ruling Means for Medicare (6/29/2012) — “This is great news for seniors with Medicare,” Paul Nathanson, executive director of the National Senior Citizens Law Center.

Senior Journal.com Supreme Court Gives America’s Seniors Longer, Healthier LivesPaul Nathanson: “The Supreme Court’s decision is the most important safety net related decision since the Social Security Act was upheld by the Court in 1937. ”

Arizona Informant DC Language Law Breaks New Ground, But Lacks Teeth (6/24/2012) —According to NSCLC, “These civil rights protections have become well-established through an Executive Order and various federal regulations. Any recipient of federal funds is required to take reasonable steps to ensure meaningful access to programs by LEP individuals.”

Arizona Republic  Glendale Woman Charged with Elder Abuse  (6/8/2012)  “The tricky thing nationally is there has been a movement to move people into lower levels of care,” said Eric Carlson of the National Senior Citizens Law Center. “A lot of people who would have been in nursing facilities are now in assisted living, but assisted living does not have nearly the same staffing standards.”

North County Times Observation Stays for Medicare Patienets Crteate Coverage Problems (6/5/2012) Filed by the Center for Medicare Advocacy and the National Senior Citizens Law Center, the suit claims that Medicare recipients have been harmed by the use of hospital observation status because it results in the denial of one type of Medicare coverage…

California Healthline Duals Project Goes to CMS for Approval (6/4/2012) The project has evolved over the past year for stakeholders, from a general  level of distrust to a greater sense of involvement, according to Kevin  Prindiville, deputy director of the National Senior Citizens Law Center.

California Healthline  CMS Weighs in on Enrollment Question (5/30/12) Federal health officials have informed the state that CMS would favor passive enrollment with an opt-out provision…”CMS has told us that’s all they will allow,” said NSCLC Deputy Director Kevin Prindiville…

Chicago Tribune Shift in Hospital Admisssion Policy Can Have Costly Implications for Patients (5/8/2012) The National Senior Citizens Law Center and the Center for Medicare Advocacy filed a class-action lawsuit last November on behalf of seven individual patients, seeking to end the practice of putting Medicare patients in a hospital without formal admission.

California Healthline Risks, Rewards Higher for Managing Dual Eligibles (5/7/12) A report released last week by National Senior Citizens Law  Center pointed to ratings by the state Department of Health Care Services that  gave seven of the eight health plans in the dual-eligibles pilot project one out  of five stars for overall Medi-Cal performance.

Sun-Sentinel Assisted Living Evictions Have Few Rules in Florida(5/7/12) Florida is an outlier on the wrong side of the curve. It allows people to be forced out at will,” said Eric M. Carlson, the law center’s directing attorney and long-term care policy expert.

California HealthLine Health Plans’ Quality for Duals in Question (5/3/12) “Our position is that these are demonstrations, it’s a pilot project, so they  should be including the best plans. They should be including the ones prepared  to try new systems,” said Georgia Burke, directing attorney at the Oakland  office of the National Senior Citizens Law Center, which released the report

Arizona Republic Assisted Living Homes Face High Demand, Complex Rules (4/27/2012) ” The biggest problem is this disconnect between the increasing needs of residents and staffing standards that tend to be relatively low,” said Eric Carlson of the National Senior Citizens Law Center, a group that is pushing for federal regulations for assisted-living facilities…

AARP Bulletin Medi-Cal Coverage for Adult Day Care: Can a state eliminate services for Medicaid beneficiaries with disabilitiesa settlement with the state, reached last fall and affirmed in January, ends a two-year-old case and means that services for [Esther] Darling and 35,000 other low-income Californians will continue.

Aging News Alert Court Restores Social Security Benefits for Thousands; Vicims May Recover $1 Billion (4/19/2012)As a result of the Court’s order, SSA can no longer use this misguided policy to consign others to spend their final days in the type of misery endured by Elaine Clark,” says Gerald McIntyre…(Newsletter available by subscription only)

Ventura County Star Watchdogs, Assisted Living Centers Fight Over Release of Names    (4/7/2012) Leaders of a watchdog program designed to protect residents in Ventura County’s  long-term care homes say three assisted living centers are denying them  information they need to do their jobs. But the ombudsmen only want names and room numbers, said Eric Carlson, a Los  Angeles lawyer with the National Senior Citizens Law Center.

The Epoch Times After the Arguments, What Did the High Court Decide? (4/4/2012) Simon Lazarus disputed the consensus of commentators and said, after reading the transcript, that Solicitor General Donald Verrilli’s “performance appears quite strong—and possibly more effective than that of his opponents, Michael Carvin and the justly renowned Paul Clement.”

Korea Daily Forum Focuses on Strategies for Struggling Elders (4/2/2012) Because of state budget cuts, California services like In-Home Supportive Services and adult day health care programs under Medi-Cal are being eliminated or reduced, according to Anna Rich, staff attorney at the National Senior Citizens Law Center.

Bloomberg BNA Experts: Predictions of Health Law’s Demise May Be Premature  (4/4/2012) Simon Lazarus, public policy counsel at the National Senior Citizens Law Center in Washington, tells BNA that it is not clear that Justices Roberts or Kennedy will vote to strike PPACA’s individual mandate. Lazarus co-wrote an amicus brief supporting the law on behalf of several disease advocacy groups.

Campus Progress Up for Debate: the Affordable Care Act(4/2/2012) It was a contest of numbers, values, and interpretations of the Constitution for experts from the Cato Institute, the National Senior Citizens Law Center, and Princeton University, who all went head-to-head in a debate on the Affordable Care Act at the National Press Club recently.

Washington Times Obama’s Tax Plea Gets Rude Reception (3/27/2012) “I still think the rubber hits the road with the Commerce power and the ‘Necessary and Proper’ power,” he [Simon Lazarus] said. “I’ve been a supporter of the act and I feel the Commerce Clause justification and the Necessary and Proper Clause justification for the mandate under existing law…

Chicago Tribune Medicaid Could Be in Supreme Court’s Sights (3/26/2012) Medicaid “is the real sleeper issue,” said Simon Lazarus, counsel for the National Senior Citizens Law Center. “If the court buys the ‘coercion’ argument, it will effectively mean that every expansion of Medicaid since 1965 will be vulnerable to challenge.”

Epoch Times Health Reform Act: Let the Arguments Begin (3/26/2012) But “the media has paid almost no attention to the Medicaid expansion provision in the ACA,” said Simon Lazarus, policy counsel for the National Senior Citizens Law Center.

National Public Radio  In Health Case, Combustible Mix Of Politics And Law (3/25/2012) But law advocates, like Simon Lazarus of the National Senior Citizens Law Center, argue that if the court invalidates the expansion, it could serve to undermine other federal aid programs.

Politico Justice Department Bets Big on Mandate (3/22/2012)  If you want to get rid of the hated mandate, the administration is telling the  justices, you also have to get rid of the most popular part: coverage for people  with pre-existing conditions. Simon Lazarus says that the text of the law “makes it very clear that those two provisions are indeed  tied to the mandate.”

Jurist  The Role of Lochner in the Health Care Litigation (3/21/2012) Columnist David Bernstein writes how the 1905 Supreme Court decision in Lochner v New York hovers over the case. Simon Lazarus, a prominent ACA defender, bizarrely argues that invalidating the mandate would “restore Lochner — letter, spirit, the whole nine yards.”

The New Republic  The Case of the Century (3/20/2012) If it’s unconstitutional to compel contributions towards private health insurance, then surely it’s unconstitutional to compel contributions toward private investment accounts. As NSCLC’s Simon Lazarus noted last year in Slate, two conservative appellate judges cited that possibility in their rulings.

Wall Street Journal Insurers Aim for Costly Patients on Government Plans (3/9/2012) The potential for broadly pushing dual-eligible patients onto managed-care plans has raised concern among patient advocates, such as the National Senior Citizens Law Center. They worry that insurance companies lack experience..

Forbes.com Long Term Care Services: Forgotten By Most Presidential Candidates (2/22/12) Most candidates surveyed by 15 national advocacy groups [including NSCLC] don’t care enough about long-term care services to bother to describe their views on the issue.

Tampa Bay Times, Who Should Pay the $200 Million for Nursing Home Death. It’s Complicated(2/4/2012) Evin Isaacson, a fellow at the National Senior Citizens Law Center says that when regulators can’t decipher who ultimately makes decisions, it’s hard to levy fines and sanctions. And that removes incentive to plow money into care rather than profits.

Benefitpro.com, Senior Groups: Mandate Ruling Shouldn’t Affect All of Health Reform. (2/1/2012) “The health and quality of life of many older Americans are already improving because of the health reform law,” NSCLC Executive Director Paul Nathanson says.

Senior Journal.comSenior Advocates Want Supreme Court to Keep Obamacare Provisions for Seniors Out of Case (1/31/2012)  NSCLC Executive Director Paul Nathanson says, “We don’t believe Congress intended to let the elderly poor languish in nursing homes or be subject to abuse if the individual mandate was found unworkable.”

California Progress ReportInjunction to Stop 20% Across the Board IHSS Cuts (1/19/2012) The lawsuit was filed by Disability Rights California (DRC), Disability Rights Legal Center, National Senior Citizens Law Center, the National Health Law Program and San Diego attorney Charles Wolfinger on behalf of the IHSS recipients. See Related Article.

California Healthline, What’s Best Enrollment Process for Dual Eligibles? (1/12/2012) In a short essay, NSCLC’s Kevin Prindiville offers that Opt-in Enrollment Process Honors Autonomy, Individual.

KUT News, Austin, TX: Court Restores SSI BenefitsA ruling in a New York federal court is requiring the Social Security Administration to restore benefits to eligible people who may have a warrant out for their arrest.

The Week: The Individual Mandate: Health-care’s Inherent Controversy (12/19/2011) If the court pushes a legal challenge back to 2015, Simon Lazarus says that it might “be a good solution for a court that doesn’t really care to be Public Issue No. 1 in an election year.”

California Healthline: How to Protect Seniors During Duals Conversion (12/13/11) The state is moving relatively slowly on the duals project… It’s a population that has to be treated carefully, according to panelist Kevin Prindiville of the National Senior Citizens Law Center.

California Progress Report: Temporary Restraining Order Issued to Stop 20% Reduction in In Home Supportive Services. (12/2/11) The lawsuit was filed on behalf of IHSS recipients by Disability Rights California (DRC), Disability Rights Legal Center, National Senior Citizens Law Center, the National Health Law Program and San Diego attorney Charles Wolfinger.

Siskiyou Daily, Yrkea, CA: Equal Access to Justice Amendment Raises Questions, Concerns. (11/30/11) On Nov. 16, a coalition of advocacy groups including the American Civil Liberties Union, National Senior Citizens Law Center, National Employment Lawyers Association, National Fair Housing Alliance and several environmental groups sent a letter to congress opposing HR 1996.

California Healthline: State Reaches Settlement to Establish New Version of ADHC (11/18/11) State officials have reached a settlement with advocates for the elderly and  individuals with disabilities to establish a new version of the adult day health  care program.

HealthyCal.org: State Settles Suit Over Adult Health Care (11/18/11) Disability Rights California, the National Senior Citizens Law Center, the National Health Law Program and other supporters began pressing for an injunction against the state’s latest attempt to kill ADHC.

Health Leaders Media: Hospital Observation Status Prompts Federal Class Action Suit (11/9/11) Medicare wrongfully denies thousands of beneficiaries coverage of acute, post-acute and prescription drug expenses each year…

The Hill, Supreme Court to Rule on Obama Law Amid Election Frenzy: (11/14/11)  …The Justice Department has struggled against the claim that upholding the insurance mandate would be a slippery slope to other requirements…Still, [NSCLC’s] Lazarus and other supporters of the healthcare law said they’re confident in the government’s position, especially given its track record in lower courts.

Baltimore Sun: A Buoyed Health Care law Reaches Supreme Court (11/12/11) But the recent opinions by Silberman, Sutton and Kavanaugh also offer a caution to the high court, said Simon Lazarus, counsel for the National Senior Citizens Law Center.”These are eminent conservatives, very smart, and they believe in judicial restraint,” he said.

Autostraddle.com: Seniors Work for Resources and Community for LGBT Elders (11/7/11) In a study released in April by the National Senior Citizens Law Center, many older gay men and lesbians and their family members reported instances of mistreatment at long-term care centers.

CBS News: Health Care Law Unfair to Seniors, Lawsuit Alleges (11/4/11)The Center for Medicare Advocacy and the National Senior Citizens Law Center filed suit on behalf of two 90-something Medicare beneficiaries and the families of five deceased

The Daily Dose: Seniors in Long Term Care Harmed If Proposed Medicaid Cuts  Take Effect (11/1/11) Among the advocacy groups watching action on Medicaid in the White House and in Congress are the National Senior Citizens Law Center and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), two of many of which are critical of the current administration’s plans to cut the program.

Reuters: U.S. May Face Class Action Suit Over Medicare Policy (11/4/11) The Center for Medicare Advocacy and NSCLC have filed suit on behalf of a group of Medicare patients and their families saying they were deprived of coverage by the government health plan because of a policy that allows hospitals to avoid admitting elderly people with chronic ailments as inpatients.

Queerty: Gay Retirement Communities Falling Victim To
The Recession
(10/28/11)  Several recent studies have indicated lesbian and gay seniors are discouraged from moving into traditional assisted-care facilities

New York Times (NY): Gay Retirement  Havens Run into Financial Difficulty(10/28/11) In a study released in April by the National Senior Citizens Law Center, many older gay men and lesbians and their family members reported instances of mistreatment at long-term care centers.

Lexington Herald Leader (KY): Just Fund Ky Helps Agencies Open Their Minds (10-9-11) NSCLC’s LGBT Older Adults in Long term Care study has led to a grant to fund training and patient rights review.

California Healthline: Brief Outlines Appeals Process for Dual Eligibles (10/6/2011) NSCLC’s Georgia Burke is quoted, “These people don’t have the ability to use a credit card and get care now and  worry later,” Burke said. “They need pay pending while they’re going through  appeal, and they need an expedited path for medical emergencies.”

Point of Law.com: Obamacare SCOTUS Bound? (10-3-11) In a blog about the health reform law and the Supreme Court, the writer suggests that people  compare the liberal Simon Lazarus to the libertarian Randy Barnett on the same arguments.

The New Republic: How the Obama Administration Is Jeopardizing Health Reform (10/3/2011) In an article about the Douglas v Independent Living Center case that was heard by the Supreme Court today, Rochelle Bobroff is quoted…

The Nation: Michele Bachman’s Pre New Deal Jurisprudence (9/30/2011) — Blogger Ben Adler says that Simon Lazarus helped him understand the candidate’s constitutional philosophy.

California Healthline: Pitfalls and Promise of Converting California’s Dual Eligibles (9-26-11) —NSCLC’s Kevin Prindiville is quoted. “We need models of care that incentivize keeping people in the  community.

Whittier (CA) Daily News (9-18-2011): County Preparing for Worst as State Funding for Adult Day Care Ends in December — NSCLC is mentioned as joining a group meeting to defend the Adult Day Health Care program in California.

OpEd News.com (9/9/11) — Son-of-a-glitch: The bi-partisan selling of Medicaid — In an op-ed critical of the White House  amicus (“friend of the court”) brief which would erase the protections of Federal law to Medicaid beneficiaries, the writer cites NSCLC’s Si Lazarus  warning ofa potential “spill over effect.”

Aging Today (Sep-Oct 2011): SSI Needs to be Reinvigorated – There’s No Way to Survive on Its Current Benefit Levels. In a column, NSCLC’s Gerald McIntyre says that SSI benefit levels need to be improved to allow people to step out of poverty.

McKnight’s Long Term Care: Report Proposes Changes to Streamline Care for Dual Eligibles 8/29/2011 Elderly dual eligibles, individuals who receive Medicare and Medicaid benefits, are at risk for experiencing substantial drops in care when moving between Medicare and Medicaid coverage, a new report shows.

PBS Online: Americans Can’t Be Forced to Buy Insurance, 11th Circuit Rules 8/12/2011  NSCLC’s Simon Lazarus is quoted extensively. He said that equally favorable for the Obama administration is the fact that the 11th Circuit judges who ruled against the individual mandate still supported the constitutionality of the wider law.

Denver Business Journal: Denver Chamber Health Reform Debate Changes Few Minds 8/3/2011 NSCLC’s Simon Lazarus participated in the debate and said “There’s nothing unprecedented, and there’s no great invasion of personal freedom here.”

Senior Housing News: Assisted Living Residents Face Challenges 7/27/11
Although the Medicaid program is a boon to thousands of low-income seniors, it may pose some difficulties for assisted living facility residents to remain where they’ve chosen to live. Eric Carlson advises consumers on how law works in the states.

LA Times: Aunt’s Nursing Home Hinders Exit 7/25/11
NSCLC’s Eric Carlson offers advice on what rights nursing home residents have in terms of leaving the home.

Aging Today: Medicaid Block Grants Would Shred Safety Net for Low Income Older Adults
July/August 2011 by Paul Nathanson

Politico: Why Bush Judge Backed Mandate 7/1/11
7/1/2011 — Simon Lazarus, public policy counsel of the National Senior Citizens Law Center and a strong proponent of the law’s constitutionality, believes Sutton’s argument could resonate with Roberts as well as with justices Samuel Alito and Anthony Kennedy.

National Law Journal: 6th Circuit Upholds Health Care Reform Law 7/1/11
In an article on the appeals court ruling, Simon Lazarus is quoted, ” His opinion [Judge Jeffrey Sutton] will be important not just because he will be viewed by conservative members of the Supreme Court as an ideological comrade in arms, but [because he will be viewed] by Chief Justice [John] Roberts as an intellectual peer. He raises every kind of objection made to the act in a thoughtful and sympathetic way and then proceeds to knock them down.”

The Hill: Court Rules Healthcare Reform Law is Constitutional, Upholds Mandate 6/30/11
NSCLC’s Simon Lazarus is quoted in a blog on the first appeals court ruling in favor of the individual mandate: “It really is an opinion that says, ‘If you are a thoughtful conservative…this is how I think you have to come out.'” He is also quoted in a similar article in National Journal Daily.

Washington Post: Steve Pearlstein: Pundit Protest 2.0 6/21/11
In a farewell column, Pearlstein writes about the individual mandate that exists in both the health reform law and Ryancare. I’m not the first person to notice the hypocrisy. (NSCLC’s) Simon Lazarus noted it for Slate…

Senior Housing News: AARP ready to Play 6/22/11
“In reaction to AARP’s statements about its willingness to negotiate on raising the retirement age, organizations like the National Senior Citizens Law Center said such a move would be a serious mistake.”

National Journal Daily: Challenges on Path to Supreme Court 5/14/11
In an article on how state challenges are on their way to the Supreme Court, Policy Counsel Simon Lazarus says it would be very easy to consolidate the various cases. (National Journal Daily is available by subscription only; but article may be posted later).

The Hill: Solicitor General to Argue Mandate Cases 5/14/11
Policy Counsel Simon Lazarus said he expects Verrilli will also handle arguments over the healthcare law’s requirement that most people buy insurance.

New Republic: Paul Ryan’s Individual Mandate 5/14/11
In a follow up column in the New Republic , Policy Counsel Simon Lazarus found it ironic that the Ryan budget proposal had mandate-like provisions similar to the Affordable Care Act.

Blog: SSI Must Be Strengthened 5/14/11
In a blog in honor of 2011 Older Americans Month, Directing Attorney Gerald McIntyre writes about the value of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program to the elderly poor and people with disabilities.

Elder Law Answers: Millions of Seniors Could Lose Medicaid LTC Coverage 5/19/11
In an articles on block granting Medicaid, NSCLC is cited saying that it would mean taking health care coverage away from millions of low-income older adults.

New Republic Posts “Yes Ryancare has a Mandate” 5/10/11
In a blog response to criticism of Si Lazarus claim that the Ryan roadmap does contain a mandate like that in health reform.

ACS Blog: Supreme Court Ignores Federal Arbitration Act 5/6/11
Rochelle Bobroff criticizes majority option: “this mode of interpretation is totally contrary to the duty of judges to uphold the law.”

Slate: Paul Ryan’s Individual Mandate 5/3/11
In a blog, Simon Lazarus writes: The Ryan roadmap compels Americans to buy insurance — just like Obamacare does.

The Hill: Refers to Medicaid Block Grants Brief 4/27/11
In its health care blog, Julian Pecquet includes a link to our policy issue brief in “Medicaid Changes Raise Concerns.”

Senior Housing News: Assisted Living Residents Face Challenges When Transitioning from Private Pay to Medicaid 4/27/11 Although the Medicaid program is a boon to thousands of low-income seniors, it may pose some difficulties for assisted living facility residents to remain where they’ve chosen to live. Eric Carlson advises consumers on how law works in the states.

LA Times Quotes Carlson on CCRCs 4/11/11
In an article “Elderly and Facing Eviction,” Eric Carlson says that “it’s just wishful thinking to believe that making a payment will make you secure for life,” and gives advice to those considering a CCRC.

LGBT Elders Raise Serious Fears about Long Term Care Facilities 4/11/11
Windy City Times (IL) — “This report should shock our nation into action. As we continue to make great strides for equality, we cannot leave our elders behind.”

New America Media Publishes NSCLC Column on Language Access 4/11/11
In a column entitled “California Home Care Cuts Target Ethnic, Immigrant Elders,” co-authors Katharine Hsiao and Anna Rich say that “the people who would be most harmed by the proposed cuts are likely to be seniors and people with disabilities, mostly ethnic elders and immigrants.”

McKnight’s Long Term Care on LGBT Report 4/11/11
McKnight’s quotes Scott Parkin, “There is deep-seated worry and the fears aren’t groundless.” He urges long term care facilities to train their employees to prevent discrimination.

Palm Beach Post on Judge Vinson’s Ruling 3/8/11
Simon Lazarus is quoted: “This was an overreach and it’s been corrected. In the end, the path for implementation of the act is much clearer now than it was before.”

Kaiser Health News/CQ Health Beat Spotlight Health Law Debate 3/3/11
Simon Lazarus joined Walter Dellinger, a former acting solicitor general in the Clinton administration, in debating the constitutionality of the law at the Brookings Institute.  View a video or download a transcript of the Brookings Institution debate.

American Enterprise Institute’s “Outlook” Praises NSCLC  3/3/11
The conservative think tank’s health policy newsletter calls NSCLC a “highly professional and effective advocacy group”.

ACS Spotlights Lazarus Issue Brief on Health Reform Lawsuits 2/8/11
ACS is pleased to distribute “The Health Care Lawsuits: Unraveling A Century of Constitutional Law and the Fabric of Modern American Government,” an Issue Brief by Simon Lazarus, Public Policy Counsel at NSCLC.

Washington Post: Lazarus Says Broccoli Argument is Smear Tactic 2/2/11
The Florida judge’s argument that “if Congress can do this, then it can make you eat broccoli” is a “baseless fiction, akin to ‘death panels’ and similar smear tactics.”

ACS Blog: In Today’s Ruling: A Touch of Bush v Gore 2/1/11
NSCLC’s Simon Lazarus writes that the decision by Florida US District Judge Vinson striking down the Affordable Care Act in its entirety would effectively shred the Constitution as it has been interpreted, applied, and endorsed.

Newsweek/Washington Post: NSCLC Criticizes Vinson Ruling 2/1/11
Unable to comprehend Vinson’s legal logic, liberals are alleging partisan political motivations, “It’s Bush v. Gore all over again, on steroids,” says Simon Lazarus.
Washington Post

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