For Grantmakers

For Grantmakers

To protect the rights of low-income older adults, NSCLC depends on the backing of foundations, government agencies and individual donations.  To see a full listing of our funders, read our annual report.

If you wish to speak to our Executive Director Kevin Prindiville about funding opportunities, please contact him at (510) 663-1055.

Here is a sampling of the funders who help NSCLC fulfill its mission and meet its objectives in 2010 (limited to those who have contributed $25,000 or more):


Arcus Foundation

The Atlantic Philanthropies

Albert & Elaine Borchard Center on Law & Aging

The California Endowment

California Community Foundation

The California Wellness Foundation

The Commonwealth Fund

East Bay Community Foundation

Open Society Institute

Public Welfare Foundation

The SCAN Foundation

The Retirement Research Foundation

Silverman Foundation

van Loben Sels/Rembe Rock Foundation

Y & H Soda Foundation


U.S. Administration on Aging

State of California IOLTA Program and Equal Access Fund


Legal Services/Law Firms

Munger, Tolles & Olson

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