From August 2013 through March 2014, the Florida Medicaid program is moving Florida’s most vulnerable consumers — elders and persons with disabilities — into managed care plans. These plans will be responsible for providing their enrollees long-term care services such as nursing home care, in-home care and other community based services. This is a significant and potentially risky transition for many frail and chronically-ill Floridians.
However, the law provides these Medicaid consumers important legal rights and consumer protections. Attorneys and other advocates can serve a vital role in educating consumers and their families about these rights and assisting with enforcement as needed.
The webinar will include an overview of the basic components of Florida’s LTC Waiver program and provide advocacy tips for representing consumers during different phases of this transition including choice counseling, plan enrollment, disenrollment, care planning, transition services and service denials, termination and reductions. Outreach strategies for assisting the most underserved populations will also be addressed.
Eric Carlson, Directing Attorney, National Senior Citizens Law Center,
Anne Swerlick,Deputy Director of Advocacy, Florida Legal Services,
Monica Vigues Pitan, Advocacy Director, Legal Services of Greater Miami
Emma Hemness, Law Office of Emma Hemness, P.A.
DATE: Oct. 4, 2013
This webinar is sponsored by the National Senior Citizens Law Center, the Florida Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and Florida Legal Services.