September 24, 2012 Webinar.
Medicaid Long Term Services and Supports 101: A webinar for advocates on emerging challenges and opportunities
The current legal and political landscape presents both great opportunities to expand the availability of needed long term services and supports at home and in the community, and tremendous challenges for maintaining current access to such programs. This webinar will offer advocates a primer on the law that impacts Medicaid-funded home and community-based services. It will also highlight key resources and tools that can help advocates expand and preserve Medicaid coverage of these critical services and supports in their state. The webinar will be accompanied by the release of an Advocate’s Guide on the same topic.
Evin Isaacson, Borchard Law & Aging Fellow, NSCLC
Anna Rich, Senior Staff Attorney, NSCLC
Eric Carlson, Directing Attorney, NSCLC
Advocate’s Guide — Medicaid Long Term Services & Supports 101: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges (PDF)
Medicaid LTSS 101: A webinar for advocates on emerging challenges and opportunities from Nat’l Senior Citizens Law Center on Vimeo.