Webinar Series: Medicaid Payment for Assisted Living, April 19

Medicaid payment increasingly is available for assisted living care, but navigating the rules can be a challenge for consumers and policymakers alike. Eric Carlson will base his comments on a series of briefs and white papers on the topic.

Medicaid Payment for Assisted Living: Issues for Residents and State Policymakers

Medicaid payment increasingly is available for assisted living care, but navigating the rules can be a challenge for consumers and policymakers alike.  In a one-hour Webinar presented by NSCLC Directing Attorney Eric Carlson, you will learn how:

  • A resident can prevent eviction even after the facility has refused to accept Medicaid from the resident.
  • In some states, Medicaid programs make payments to hold a resident’s assisted living room during a hospitalization.
  • Some states provide income supplementation to make assisted living care more affordable.
  • Some states require a facility to admit a person who has been referred to the facility by the state.
  • Medicaid law prohibits a facility from requiring extra payments from a resident’s family members or friends.

The Webinar is based on a series of policy issue papers and white papers related to Medicaid Payment for Assisted Living authored by Carlson. The papers provide analysis and recommendations related to facility standards, eligibility rules, and other important issues.

Download the presentation in pdf format | Recording

The Webinar is free and part of a monthly Webinar series presented by the National Senior Citizens Law Center.

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