Webinar: Social Security Benefits Now Based On Same Sex Marriage?

December 12, 2012 Webinar.

On December 12, some 200 advocates and others attended a webinar entitled “Social Security Benefits Now Based on Same Sex Marriage.” Directing Attorney Gerald McIntyre led viewers through why individuals who would qualify for Social Security or survivor benefits based on a same sex marriage if the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) were ruled unconstitutional should file an application for those benefits now even though it will be denied. This is because as long as you file a timely appeal of the denial and your appeal is pending at the time the Court rules DOMA to be unconstitutional, you will have a right to retroactive benefits based on the date of the application. You can download the power point and see/hear the presentation here.

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Social Security Benefits Now Based On Same Sex Marriage? from Nat’l Senior Citizens Law Center on Vimeo.

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